Chilliwack School District #33 ProD
Facing the Facts - Feb 19/16
Math memorized is neither math understood
nor math remembered. Knowing several ways to find 7 x 8 will stay with students, even if they forget the original fact. We need opportunities to come to remember facts rather than memorize. Fluency is a byproduct of students’ experiences and flexibility with numbers and operations. If fluency is treated as the primary directive, things will go badly very quickly. It will emerge with patience - let it happen. |
Session Handout |
Building Thinking Classrooms - Feb 19/16
Session HandoutWe want students to engage in problems worth solving - problems that encourage thinking, perseverance, collaboration, and risk-taking. We want them to have the experience of working at vertical, non-permanent surfaces, on rich tasks, and in collaboration with others - a few of the necessary elements for building a thinking classroom. |